The popularity of skin bleaching at home has grown in recent years. Eager to find a solution that works, many people turn to hydroquinone creams for facial and body lightening.
Hydroquinone has long known to be a skin lightening agent, but its use does not come without risks. Prolonged daily use of hydroquinone skin bleaching creams can lead to skin irritation and UV hypersensitivity. Eventually, the use of hydroquinone can result in a condition called ochronosis.
For those with hydroquinone problems resulting from the overuse of bleaching creams, improvements in the problems caused by hydroquinone can be obtained, although side effects cannot always be totally alleviated or reversed.
The treatment of hydroquinone problems depends on the nature of the complication(s), the extent as well as the severity of the problem, and the client’s individual dermatological and medical history. Some of the most commonly encountered issues are as follows:
- Erythema and edema: redness, inflammation, flaking and swelling of the skin can occur as a result of using hydroquinone creams. This can be a short term complication as well as a chronic, long-term condition.
- Uneven skin tone: many “DIY” creams used for skin lightening at home can render a patchy and uneven result. This is because it is very difficult to achieve even results when using aggressive skin bleaching creams at home.
- Ochronosis: this is a form of dermatitis which presents as darkened patches of blue and greyish discolouration on the skin. This is a difficult condition to treat, and in severe cases, can lead to the development of fibrotic skin lesions.
- Depigmentation: areas of over-bleaching are susceptible to depigmentation, which leaves areas of skin completely devoid of melanin (hypopigmentation).
If you are seeking treatments for hydroquinone problems caused by skin bleaching creams and lotions, it is vital that you cease using all hydroquinone-based products immediately before embarking upon a treatment programme with our experienced practitioners.
In your initial consultation, we will conduct a full skin examination and diagnose your hydroquinone-related complications. We will likely recommend a home treatment programme alongside a course of professional treatments designed to improve the appearance and health of your skin.
Oftentimes, treatment courses for hydroquinone issues can be fairly prolonged. To this end, we will be able to advise you as to how many treatments you require in order to resolve or mitigate the appearance of your problem.
Book A Consultation
Monday - Friday: 10am-8pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm
T: +44 (0)203 322 5958
E: info@bea-skin.com
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Antwerp, Belgium
Abuja, Nigeria